Drug Abuse Prevention Tips
Drug addiction is a serious issue for thousands of teens all across the country. However, drug addiction is often just ...
Drug addiction is a serious issue for thousands of teens all across the country. However, drug addiction is often just ...
Anyone who grew up with siblings knows that the relationship between siblings is truly unique. One minute you can be ...
We talk a lot about the negative effects of drug and alcohol use. Addiction definitely impacts your life and your ...
No one sets out to develop a problem that results in needing drug and alcohol recovery. Most of the time, ...
Getting through a recovery program is tough, just like kicking any habit. But, once you’ve made it out and are ...
Drug addiction help is no small challenge, and much of it is often due to the resistance that the addict ...
Through years of experience, we have seen that when someone is in recovery from addiction, self-discipline can be a persistent ...
How an Intervention Works To many people, the typical idea of an intervention has become something of a cliche. Often ...
Addiction takes a real toll on the person addicted, no matter what the substance is – mentally, spiritually, and physically. ...
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With more than 215 residential centers within the US and Canada, Adult & Teen Challenge (ATC) is a faith-based non-profit headquartered in Ozark, Missouri. Its mission is to provide adults & teens freedom from addiction and other life-controlling issues through Christ-centered solutions. Through effective discipleship, mentoring, and life-skills training, ATC and its affiliates have seen positive outcomes and radical life transformation throughout its sixty-five-year history.
Adult & Teen Challenge is a nonprofit tax-exempt entity under IRS Code Section 501(c)3. EIN 43-1353323.
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