Prayer Partner

“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people. . .” 1 Timothy 2:1

Our ministry was founded because David Wilkerson spent time in prayer. God called him to pray and he obeyed. Such a simple act, but God used that act of obedience to change the lives of thousands of hurting people. Today we continue to pray daily for the students in our centers and for the requests that come to us.

If you have a prayer need, use the form on this page to submit your request. We will add it to our “Prayer Wall” below.

If you are willing to join with us in prayer for these needs, you can sign up to be a Prayer Partner by clicking the link below. We will add you to our Prayer Partner email list. You can also join our Prayer Partner Facebook Group.

Prayer Request Submissions

Note: By submitting this form, you grant permission for Adult & Teen Challenge to publish your prayer request on this page, as well as on our weekly Prayer Partner email list and Prayer Partner Facebook Group. 

Prayer Wall


I am praying for us all to be strengthen. Ask God the root of the problem. Somtimes people have demonic strong holds but somtimes its…
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I desperately need help from addiction I’m tired and weary
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Gracious Lord, I pray for the demons to completely be rebuked by the blood of Jesus! Take all anxiety and depression from my body straight…
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My dad is currently battling cancer. It has been very hard for him and all of us because he lives in Chicago and I live…
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Pray for my son Jesse an Iraq combat veteran who life is out of control. He is addicted to Meth, and Alcohol. He battles codependency.…
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Hi, my boyfriend and his family have been non-believers in God for their whole lives. My boyfriend’s wife died a couple of years ago and…
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I am asking for prayers for my children while they’re at their dads. I am asking for prayers of safe travels, hedges of protection. I…
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Kindly pray for my brother, Jacob. Alcohol is almost ruining his life.
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Please pray for my young adult grandson, pray he draw near to the Savior Yeshua.
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