Prayer Partner

“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people. . .” 1 Timothy 2:1

Our ministry was founded because David Wilkerson spent time in prayer. God called him to pray and he obeyed. Such a simple act, but God used that act of obedience to change the lives of thousands of hurting people. Today we continue to pray daily for the students in our centers and for the requests that come to us.

If you have a prayer need, use the form on this page to submit your request. We will add it to our “Prayer Wall” below.

If you are willing to join with us in prayer for these needs, you can sign up to be a Prayer Partner by clicking the link below. We will add you to our Prayer Partner email list. You can also join our Prayer Partner Facebook Group.

Prayer Request Submissions

Note: By submitting this form, you grant permission for Adult & Teen Challenge to publish your prayer request on this page, as well as on our weekly Prayer Partner email list and Prayer Partner Facebook Group. 

Prayer Wall


I am asking for prayers for my children while they’re at their dads. I am asking for prayers of safe ...

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Kindly pray for my brother, Jacob. Alcohol is almost ruining his life.

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Please pray for my young adult grandson, pray he draw near to the Savior Yeshua.

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Prayers for Johnluke, for his heart to come to Christ and to turn from the world and turn to Christ ...

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Prayer request for our daughter, Danielle (age 33), for her substance abuse for 15 years, please help! She is on ...

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Please pary for broken relationships, strong holds, and my job.

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Your men in Jackson, MO prayed forever for my mom Friday at their thrift store. She was sick and they ...

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Please pray for my son Charlie who is an alcoholic

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Total deliverance from sexual sin and lusting. For a perfect accountability mentor to be placed into my life.

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