Strategic Partnerships

Partnering Together for Good

Adult & Teen Challenge seeks to partner with organizations willing to support our mission of bringing freedom to all people struggling with life-controlling issues, including addiction. An Adult & Teen Challenge strategic partner provides our centers with products, services, and opportunities to save time and money, build community involvement and cooperation, and increase program effectiveness.

With over 200 residential centers across the United States and Canada, Adult & Teen Challenge is committed to seeing individuals with addictions freed through relationship with Jesus Christ. By partnering with us, your organization will be directly involved in the process of transforming lives.

Click here to review the Strategic Partnership Code of Ethics. We ask that you agree to follow these guidelines during your partnership with Adult & Teen Challenge.

Strategic Partnership Benefits

Profile on Staff Benefits Page

Your logo, website link, and a 250-word description of your organization on our Staff Benefits page at

Profile on Partnership Page

Your logo, website link, and a 250-word description of your organization on our Resources page at

ATC National Conference Benefits

Discounted vendor rates and priority selection for booth space at our biennial National Conference

Committed Partnership Email

One email promoting your organization to ATC staff with additional emails available for purchase

Placement in Staff Benefits Guide

Your information and any special offerings in our Staff Benefits Guide, sent to all centers yearly and new centers as they open

Staff Newsletter

Your logo prominently featured in our quarterly staff newsletter

Center Location List

Access to mailing addresses for all ATC centers

Advertisement Opportunities

Discounted ads in our quarterly print ATC magazine


Your preferred advertising material included in packets for all new centers

What's the investment?

For an annual fee of $650, your organization will become an ATC strategic partner and have access to all benefits listed above.

How do I sign up?

You can apply to become an ATC strategic partner at the link below.

Adult & Teen Challenge strategic partners

Additional questions? Contact us through the link below.