Silence, Secrecy, Shame & Stigma
As many of us know, addiction is no respecter of persons. It affects the old and the young and everyone ...
As many of us know, addiction is no respecter of persons. It affects the old and the young and everyone ...
Mike Hodges served as president of Adult & Teen Challenge from 2005-2010. During that time, he invested in staff training, ...
This devotional commentary is written to stir up a love for the scripture. The book of Colossians is filled with ...
Addiction Does Not Discriminate… …Against Race or Ethnicity According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), addiction impacts all ...
“Not everyone’s process is the same. Not everyone’s starting point is the same, but the destination is the same – ...
Adult & Teen Challenge was born in the midst of racial tension. In the 1950s, teen gangs made it impossible ...
“Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The ...
Substance abuse and misuse are on the rise. Opioid use is out of control. Liquor store sales are rising. The ...
The COVID pandemic can be stressful for people. Fear of the disease, panic over empty grocery shelves, loss of employment, ...
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With more than 215 residential centers within the US and Canada, Adult & Teen Challenge (ATC) is a faith-based non-profit headquartered in Ozark, Missouri. Its mission is to provide adults & teens freedom from addiction and other life-controlling issues through Christ-centered solutions. Through effective discipleship, mentoring, and life-skills training, ATC and its affiliates have seen positive outcomes and radical life transformation throughout its sixty-five-year history.
Adult & Teen Challenge is a nonprofit tax-exempt entity under IRS Code Section 501(c)3. EIN 43-1353323.
Website by Mayflower Creative