Avoiding Triggers During Drug and Alcohol Recovery

Drug and alcohol recovery is a lifelong process. Even after graduating from an Adult & Teen Challenge recovery program, entering the real world is full of temptations and struggles that you will have to face head-on. Understanding this before you enter the world after graduation will be extremely beneficial for your continued success in drug and alcohol recovery.

One important element to keep in mind as you continue your life after graduating from a drug and alcohol recovery program is knowing your specific triggers for your addiction. Today, we will discuss some of the more common triggers for drug and alcohol addiction and how to avoid or overcome these triggers. While not all of these triggers will necessarily apply to you, the advice and strategies that we discuss in this blog can help you in your specific triggers as well.


As much as we would like it to not be, stress is a part of life. The important thing in your continued drug and alcohol recovery is understanding that stress is a part of life and that it doesn’t have to get overwhelming. Many of the students who attend our drug and alcohol recovery programs use drugs and alcohol as a way of coping with stress. However, there are many other methods that are much more beneficial to a person as a whole. Don’t take on more than you can handle, whether it be in your job or in your personal life. You are allowed to say no. If life does start to get a little too stressful, take a minute to refocus yourself and breathe. Get in contact with your mentor or another trusted friend or family member and talk to them about what you’re dealing with. And if necessary, take a day and do something fun to break up this stress of your life.

Family Life

Family is a big stressor for many people. The thought of holiday get-togethers and other family gatherings can be a big trigger for many people. Instead of turning to drugs or alcohol, utilize the skills and tools that you learned through your drug and alcohol recovery program to put yourself in a better place for these get-togethers. And if all else fails, have a plan of action in place in case you need to escape a family situation.


Loneliness plagues us all at one point or another. Feelings of isolation can hurt, leading you to want to turn to drugs and alcohol as a comfort. Don’t allow yourself to get sent down the path of loneliness. Through your programs with Adult and Teen Challenge USA, you develop relationships with a number of people who are more than willing to be there for you when you are struggling. Getting connected at a church will also provide you the opportunity to connect with people who can be there when you’re having issues. Also, remember that God loves you in that he has created you for a purpose and that purpose is to not feel lonely or controlled by drugs and alcohol.

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Recovery: Our Process

At Adult & Teen Challenge, we have been guiding students through addiction recovery for over 60 years. We offer a Christ-centered approach, helping our students discover and triumph over the underlying causes of their addiction and find the love and grace of Jesus Christ.

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, contact us today.