Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

General Questions

We work with youth, adults, and families. Our center directory lists the programs, their locations, and what gender and age groups that they accept.

Check out our “What to Expect” page. Every center varies a little, but this page has a general overview of what a day in the life of an Adult & Teen Challenge center is like. 

No.  Adult & Teen Challenge uses a Christian faith-based recovery model. We rely on the teachings of Christ, the work of the Holy Spirit, and the study and practical application of Biblical principles to be the transformative component of our recovery program. While we recognize psychological and medical expertise to address many of the issues of addictions, we approach these issues from a spiritual perspective.

We call it the “Jesus Factor.” When people develop a relationship with God, everything changes for them. New priorities, attitudes, reactions, plans, and goals in life all add up to create a new life in Christ. The old lifestyle, attitudes, and behaviors are replaced.

This is a local Adult & Teen Challenge resource office that assists people who need help or want to enter a residential program. Some offices offer weekly classes or groups for those who cannot enter a residential program.

Program Finder

Our curriculum can be purchased and used by anyone. However, programs or organizations that are not certified through us should not present themselves as sanctioned Adult & Teen Challenge programs, even if they use our curriculum.

Shop Our Curriculum

Every Adult & Teen Challenge program is governed by their own Board of Directors and has their own articles of incorporation and IRS tax-exempt ruling. Each program handles all complaints against their organization. If you have a complaint or issue and are uncertain about who to contact, you can reach out to the National Office at

Please understand that Adult & Teen Challenge USA has no supervisory control over any local Adult & Teen Challenge program or organization.

Adult & Teen Challenge USA is made up of a network of separate 501(c)(3) corporations; each has their own procedures, policies and set their own fees. All Adult & Teen Challenge centers must meet the national accreditation standards to be an Adult & Teen Challenge center, but many details are decided at the local level.

All inquiries regarding centers outside of the United States should be directed to Global Teen Challenge.

Learn more about starting a new Adult & Teen Challenge center here.


Contact the Adult & Teen Challenge program that you feel is right for you. Remember that you must provide your own transportation. Communicate with the Intake Staff; they will provide you with admission requirements and program descriptions.

Adolescent Adult & Teen Challenge programs generally work with teens ages 12-17. Most adult programs work with individuals over the age of 18. There is not usually an upper range age cap in adult programs. The average age in an adult program is between 25-35.

Program Finder

We give full disclosure to every person who enters Adult & Teen Challenge that this is a Christian faith-based program. Entrance into all Adult & Teen Challenge programs is voluntary. Part of that voluntary agreement includes participation in all aspects of the program. This includes the religious aspects of the program.

Each individual Adult & Teen Challenge program has its own policy on fees, tuition, and refunds. This information should be explained, and provided in writing, at the time of admission. In most cases, admission fees are non-refundable. In adolescent programs (where finances are more of an issue), refund policies will be provided by the individual Teen Challenge programs.

All of our residential programs for adults are voluntary. Some of our adolescent programs work with youth who have been enrolled against their will. Yet, even in those instances, an understood level of cooperation must exist.

There are a few Adult & Teen Challenge programs that work with the whole family. Call (417) 581-2181, or visit our program finder for more details.

Yes, there are some Adult & Teen Challenge programs that are for mothers and their children. Call  (417) 581-2181, or visit our program finder for more details.

Most of our programs require that you detox – preferably a medically supervised detox – prior to entering the program. Most communities have detox centers. Local centers can often make recommendations about where to go to detox.

Program Finder

Dual diagnosis is common with individuals who are addicted to drugs or alcohol. Most Adult & Teen Challenge programs are not licensed as drug or alcohol treatment centers that employ licensed therapists. Instead, they utilize Christian faith-based discipleship training to help those who come to them for help with addictions.

If an applicant’s mental health issues are beyond the scope of a local Adult & Teen Challenge program, that individual will most likely be re-directed to other treatment facilities that can properly care for those with dual diagnosis special needs.

A typical residential Adult & Teen Challenge program lasts 12-18 months. Progression through the program depends on each student’s determination and work, rather than a specific time table.

Costs vary from center to center. Because these fees are set by the local Adult & Teen Challenge center and their Board of Directors, costs can only be determined by contacting a specific program.

Program Finder

Adolescent centers are subject to greater restrictions and legal oversight. This limits their fundraising activities. They must also provide more specialized services, such as year-round secondary schooling. This, among other factors, requires that a fee be charged. In most cases, the fees charged do not cover the actual costs of the services provided.

People often petition the court to rule in favor of sentencing them to Adult & Teen Challenge instead of prison. It is imperative that when the courts are petitioned to do this, that it is clearly communicated that Adult & Teen Challenge is a faith-based program and that Christian principles and practices are fully integrated into the program.

The primary focus for adolescent programs is to address delinquent and at-risk behaviors within the framework of a Christian faith-based environment.

Family Members

Each Adult & Teen Challenge program has its own visitation policy, but generally only immediate family members are allowed contact with the student. Contact between the student and other individuals will be severely restricted for the same reasons that are present in other programs of similar nature.


Just visit our Program Finder page, click on the name of the center you’d like to donate to, and then click the “Donate to This Location” button on the center page. 

All gifts made to a specific center online will go to the specified center, though a receipt will be issued from Adult & Teen Challenge Headquarters.

To donate to a local center, visit our Program Finder page and click the “Donate to This Location” button below that center’s location. 

Yes! Make checks payable to Adult & Teen Challenge and note any restrictions on the memo line.

Mail to: PO Box 249, Ozark, MO 65721

Many of our centers run thrift stores to help fund their programs. The Adult & Teen Challenge Headquarters does not run any thrift stores. To learn more about the program in your area, just visit our Program Finder page, click on the name of the center you’d like to donate to, and use the contact information on their page to reach out to them directly. 

Planned Giving is possible through our our partners at AG Financial Solutions. They can be reached at 866-621-1787 or

Learn more about Planned Giving

We make it easy to manage your donations through a donor portal. You can see your online donation history, view any past or current online recurring gifts, make a new donation, make a new recurring gift, modify or cancel your active recurring gifts, manage saved payment methods, and download receipts.

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