
On June 7, 1996, I entered MN Teen Challenge by way of an 18-wheeler truck driver from Chicago, Illinois. He pulled up on the side street to the entrance, and he walked me to the door. I remember them telling him we’ve got her from here and thanks for dropping her off.

I had a lot of firsts at Teen Challenge, which enabled me to do the very hard work to be successful. Firsts like how important the Holy Spirit is in your recovery so you know you are not alone. And hearing the word “anointing” for the first time and finally understanding what it meant.

I did have a legal issue with my son, who was 6 at that time. He was being taken care of by my parents by way of the state of Illinois. God worked thru this process after I completed all state requirements by returning my son to me. Today, he is 33. God is so good.

I have to give a shout-out to Bishop Earl Gilchrist, who picked me up, I believe, twice a week to attend the state-required 12-step program at his church.

All in all, I successfully completed the program on June 11, 1997, and began working in the women’s office as the administrative assistant for nearly 5 years!

God has been with me ever since, and I am now back in the Chicagoland area.

Lastly, Pastor Richard Scherber who ran MN Teen Challenge while I was there, had such an anointed vision for the program and all the students that we felt blessed to have him rooting for us daily.

God Bless, thanks for listening.

Karen P. Samuels (Huskisson)

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