Residential Recovery Programs


Adults and teens who attend our recovery centers are given an opportunity to confront their destructive choices, their self-sabotaging behavior, and their unhealthy views with the love of God and the guidance of Biblical principles.

One of the major differences between traditional recovery programs and our centers is our emphasis on Christian values and cultivating a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. It is this central spiritual dynamic upon which all aspects of the Adult & Teen Challenge program are built.


The benefits of our long-term residential recovery program are many, beginning with how we identify those who participate. We do not call them clients or residents. We refer to them as students, because they learn a new way of living. Our students are given the following opportunities when they enter our programs:

  • They are able to separate themselves from the environment and relationships that have contributed to their life-controlling problems.
  • They come into a controlled environment which helps them to avoid the substances and behaviors that have contributed to their self-destruction.
  • They enter into a loving and supportive Christian community.
  • They are mentored by others who have walked the same path to freedom and understand the process they are going through as they grow.
  • They are positioned to confront the destructive thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors that led to their life-controlling problems.
  • Chapel services, Christian growth classes, church attendance, and Christian mentoring help them to discover God’s truth for themselves.
  • They are given the opportunity to cultivate the life practice of personal prayer and daily devotions.
  • They take part in work programs designed to teach a positive work ethic, responsibility, and pride in a job well-done, regardless of the tasks they are assigned to complete. Because many work programs generate funding for Adult & Teen Challenge programs, students are given the opportunity to contribute to their own recovery through their work, which gives them a sense of productivity and dignity.


Adult & Teen Challenge strives to provide adults with a well-rounded approach to recovery. Besides discipleship, students engage in a variety of work-related and recreational activities as they learn how to become productive, healthy members of society.


Life-controlling issues aren’t limited to substance abuse. Our adolescent centers help their students overcome many issues haunting their past and/or affecting their judgment, whether it’s drug or alcohol addiction, abusive pasts, eating disorders, cutting, sexual promiscuity or any other inappropriate behavior.

While these issues often feel overwhelming, to both teen and parent, don’t give up. There is hope.


Some Adult & Teen Challenge programs work with families, providing a safe, nurturing environment for children while their parents are receiving the help that they need. When parents cannot take part in a recovery program because they are the sole caregivers for their children, family programs might be worth considering. All our programs vary a little in how they function and who they serve. Our family programs are no exception. For example:

One program provides its services to couples. Apartment-style housing is provided (including some that have extra rooms for small children).

Several of our women’s programs cater specifically to pregnant women, allowing for specialized care for both mother and infant after birth.

Most of our family programs work with mothers and their infant or toddler children.


  1. Locate the center that works best for you and your circumstances.
    • Consider an Adult & Teen Challenge program that is located away from the potential student’s hometown. This can create an extra hurdle to prevent the student from dropping out of the program when the adjustments to sobriety become difficult.
    • Consider making contact with several different centers to determine which one is best suited for your circumstances and needs.
  1. Contact the Intake Staff; request their entry procedures and program details.
    • Request information about admissions requirements; costs; recreational, educational, and work activities; and post-completion support, as it varies from program to program.
    • Although many potential students do not initiate contact with potential programs during the admissions process, most programs will want to speak directly with the applicant.
    • Please understand that it is your responsibility to provide transportation to and from Adult & Teen Challenge.