Prayer Request: Cami

We have a 19 year old boy living with us since sometime in September or October. He’s made a lot of bad decisions in the past and trying to get his life together. The larger problem is I truly think he has a personality disorder that is making it very difficult to break through. It’s potentially a very serious situation. We were aware of most of his issues before he moved in, and we’ve known him for years, but I don’t think I realized it could be the type of disorder that I now believe it is. But I also strongly feel that it’s spiritual and perhaps a demonic component. I pray over him, have deep conversations with him, we gave him a job at the hardware when the company he worked for closed.

We confiscated a gun from his truck last night. Not having a gun and absolutely no alcohol were the 2 conditions when he moved in. And we became aware of a little bit of alcohol usage lately. He’s a recovering alcoholic at 19. And just behaves bizarrely.

We had a hard talk until really late last night after we locked up the gun. I told him he was going to have to go to counseling. I have talked to him about it before and he agrees (at least he acts like he does). I’ve also talked to the counselor in the men’s division of Victory Mission about him and think that is the best option I have for counseling. He’s used to dealing with men with much rougher pasts and knows about the spiritual warfare aspect. I told the boy I will pay for it, but it’s not negotiable now.

I really feel this boy needs a mentor. Not a preacher, but someone very relatable. To meet with him weekly. I try to hold him accountable, and we have deep conversations about life, career, relationships, and Jesus. He does still go to church on his own. I’m doing everything I can do. But it just can’t be me and it can’t be my husband, but another male.

I’ve been so sick from mold illness I could barely function this year and still have days I can barely do anything and all I do is go to doctors and Dallas for treatments. Getting ready to go back to Dallas in a few weeks for a few weeks. Along with the rest of my body, my nervous system is completely wrecked from illness. I desperately need help for him. I feel God put him here but I’m in over my head and can barely take care my own needs and some of the basics at home. Do you have any thoughts, leads for a mentor or anything else that could help me? I have been in a place for a year that I can’t handle anything but total peace or my symptoms become too much, and this is taking such a toll. No way I could have had him here even 6 months ago due to my health so at least I’m better than I was. But I’m also getting to the end of myself with the situation and with constant anxiety.

ANY thoughts, prayers, ideas, leads are welcome.
