Changing This, and the Next Generation

Tyler and Daniella had similar childhoods. Both suffered from divorce at a vulnerable developmental stage in their lives. Both began to use hard drugs at a young age. Both didn’t see any hope for a life without drugs.

Tyler’s parents divorced when he was six. To fit in, Tyler began to steal drugs to use with his friends, and, at fourteen, started using meth. “I got addicted immediately,” he recalls. “I became aggressive and out of control. One day, my mom got so scared that she turned me into the sheriff’s department, and I was arrested for sale and possession of meth and marijuana.”

Daniella’s story starts the same. Her parents divorced when she was six. From that point on, she remembers people continually moving in and out of her house. It was around this same time that she started using drugs for the very first time. “I found a joint in my dad’s car, and I smoked it with my baby-sitter” says Daniella. “At nine, I tried meth. I did a line and stayed up all night. The next day, I remember going to school and worrying that someone would notice I was high, but then thought, ‘They won’t suspect me. I’m too young.’ ”

As the years went by, Tyler and Daniella delved deeper into their addictions and faced trouble with the law. Even after getting married and starting a family, the pair could not shake their dependence on meth, solidified by 20+ years of use. “I was on the run and couldn’t even go to my daughter’s high school graduation,” Tyler says, as he remembers the lowest point of his life.

“My drug and alcohol counselor, who is a Christian, found Teen Challenge. She arranged it all, and I didn’t ask any questions. I just packed up and left,” says Tyler.

Quickly after coming to Teen Challenge, Daniella saw a change in her husband, which sparked her curiosity and caused her to wonder if Adult & Teen Challenge could help her too. “I could not stay sober, even though my marriage was ruined because of it,” recalls Daniella. “Tyler entered ATC and when we found out they had a family center, I came too.” They could see hope for a better future for their family for the first time.

Destruction did not have the final word in their stories. Both Tyler and Daniella found hope and healing at Teen Challenge. Both are free from their addictions. Both are sober parents for their children.

“Discovering that God has a plan for my life kept me here. I’ve learned how to be kind and gentle. I’ve also learned that my past mistakes don’t define me,” proclaims Tyler.

“I get up every day without the need to poison myself. And no more deep secrets!” exclaims Daniella. “I’m so thankful my kids don’t ever have to go through what we went through because Jesus has broken that generational curse.” There’s hope for the next generation!

Because Tyler and Daniella entered the ATC program, their two kids will be raised by parents who have family values, live drug-free, and, most importantly, love Jesus with all their hearts! The investment made by caring people made this a reality for Tyler and Daniella. Today, they and their precious babies have hope for a bright future.

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Recovery: Our Process

At Adult & Teen Challenge, we have been guiding students through addiction recovery for over 60 years. We offer a Christ-centered approach, helping our students discover and triumph over the underlying causes of their addiction and find the love and grace of Jesus Christ.

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, contact us today.