What does it mean to be accredited by Adult & Teen Challenge (ATC) and why does it matter?
ATC locations in the United States and several locations in Canada go through a series of evaluations & reviews, online and on-site, every three years to ensure each program meets our high expectations regarding the standards of care provided to each student. The 6 Core Accreditation Standards of ATC are: Identity, Governance, Measurements & Outcomes, Resource Management, Residential Operations, and Specialized Services.
Once the ATC center has been evaluated and found to be in compliance with the board-approved Adult & Teen Challenge National Standards, students and families can rest assured that the best care is being provided by the facility. Accreditation allows for a greater sense of confidence that you, or your loved one has made the right choice by choosing Adult & Teen Challenge on their journey to sobriety and freedom.
What is the primary purpose for accreditation?
Accreditation assures that there is in an ongoing process to identify needs for improvement, adherence to approved policies & procedures, commitment to the safety and well-being of all students, staff, and volunteers, and the provision of the most effective programming that supports the Adult & Teen Challenge mission and vision. The accreditation process is comprehensive and requires the cooperation of each staff member from all levels of the ATC corporation.
What are the benefits to accreditation?
- Provides a comprehensive review and follow up process that ensures quality and consistency among all ATC affiliates
- Illustrates the dedication of program leadership and staff to student care
- Demonstrates the program’s ongoing commitment to staff and student safety
- Certifies that the program is properly reflecting the DNA and brand of Adult & Teen Challenge and remains in good-standing with the ATC National Office
- Demonstrates that all programming components and level of care for students are acceptable
The Accreditation Process
The accreditation process can be lengthy, but is completed over the course of at least two months. The process begins online as both a representative of the local program and a representative of the central administration office are enrolled in an online portal where each is provided with a specific list of Indicators for which they must provide real evidence to support compliance. Both representatives simultaneously provide the necessary data which reflects in the accreditation review score for the local center seeking an accreditation certificate.
Following the online component of the review, an on-site visit is conducted by a one or two qualified reviewers, one being a representative of the ATC National Office in Ozark, MO. During the on-site visit, additional evidence is reviewed with the local director confirming compliance to the national standards. Additionally, a full facility tour and safety review is conducted at the time of an on-site visit.