Many people describe Adult & Teen Challenge as “a safe place.” Marisa is one of those people. She knew if she stayed in her abusive relationship, she would end up back on drugs, or worse, dead. Thankfully, her story has a happy ending. “Since I’ve been here, God has totally transformed my life.”
Joyce's Story
At the age of 13, after my parents’ divorce, I became resentful and started using marijuana. A year later I was pregnant. At the age of 21 I started hanging out with old friends who abused alcohol and Vicodin.
After getting pregnant again, my abusive relationship took an ugly turn. I found myself facing a jail sentence for assault.
I was so alone, lost, and broken … as well as 5-months pregnant. By the grace of God I was released and entered Adult & Teen Challenge.
Things have gotten better each and every day I’ve been here. I’m so grateful for this program. They provided me with everything my new baby needs, and helped me get my daughter back. I’ve become a better mother and have strong boundaries.
Justin's Story
When I was around 13 years old, I struggled a lot with acceptance and rejection. I moved around often and had a hard time fitting in. My mom met my step-dad when I was 12 and we moved into his house within a month. I had a lot of anger and bitterness and I didn’t know how to cope.
I started to rebel, experimenting with alcohol and marijuana. It progressively grew from there. I used drugs for about 13 years before coming to Teen Challenge. I tried other programs for years, trying to get clean, but nothing worked. I had countless relapses over the past few years.
Adult & Teen Challenge is a game-changer. It is a life-changer. The fellowship and camaraderie really stood out to me when I got here. Everyone just operates in love, just helping each other out. If you’re going through a hard time, you know you have your brothers at your side to help you through it.
I would encourage anyone struggling with addiction to just surrender. Talk to somebody about what you’re going through and stop running.