While you sometimes receive over 200 of these calls every month, you know that less than ten percent of the callers will actually be able to enter a residential program and get the assistance they need. Now imagine receiving a call from a high school principal who tells you that he just expelled 36 students after a drug raid, and he is frantic for help. Again, you know that only a small fraction of these adolescents will be able to receive any aid because they live in a small, rural community with no resources to address substance abuse.
These are just a few stories of the over 20 million Americans struggling with addiction. Sadly, statistics show that 40 percent of these individuals are not ready to engage in recovery. As a Christ-centered ministry, we believe that our mandate is found in Luke 14:23: to be ready to “go into the highways and the hedges and compel them to come in.” Partnering with Adult & Teen Challenge, Ready Now Recovery is committed to creating an outreach component designed to strategically engage the “not ready.” Our goal is that every person impacted by addictions and other life-controlling issues would have access to recovery through Jesus Christ.
We began developing Ready Now Recovery in August 2020, and by the grace of God, we officially launched the program in June 2021. Guided by our core values of transformation, accountability, community, and outreach, we are utilizing innovative and diverse methods to accomplish a broader impact, making recovery resources available in both rural communities and inner cities.