Prayer Request: Anonymous

K and K need God to help them win this battle and live. Not saved either. Pray for God’s intervention in this difficult situation. ” For with God nothing shall be impossible – will be our scripture.” God bless you. When I was 4 or 5 I saw David Wilkerson walking around the streets of New York City on a rainy Sunday night. We were with my Grandpa and the streets were totally deserted except for us. I remember that David Wilkerson stopped and turned to look at us and I turned and saw him praying for us 3. I saw his picture on the front pages of the New York Newspapers and I remembered him. He had gone into a New York City Court room with a big Bible to ask the Judge to release these gang members on trial to him as he said that he was praying for them and God told him to see if the Judge would allow him to work with this gang rather than give them jail sentences but David got thrown out of the court holding a really big Bible and his picture was on the front of every New York City paper next day front page. I think it said “Jesus Saves.” But the court did not believe this and threw him out. Anyway this particular gang leader got radically saved and then all the people in the gang got saved too. This particular gang leader had said to David Wilkerson that if he would not stop preaching the gospel and following him then he would cut David Wilkerson into tons of pieces with his knife and kill him. So David Wilkerson said “If you do then every piece of me would cry out from the ground that “I love you.” This unusual reaction so profoundly affected the gang leader that he got saved shortly after this and so did his gang. Then the gang leader got off drugs and crime and became a preacher. My grandfather also remembered David Wilkerson and I heard him talk about him and act like “what was he crazy ” but yet I could see in his face that he knew that David Wilkerson was truthful and real. Because you see that stormy Sunday night I turned to see David Wilkerson stopped and looking at us 3 and praying. I became a powerful Christian walking in the supernatural and filled with the Holy Ghost and fire most of my life but now situations out of my control have hurt my Christian walk so badly. Anyway true story. David Wilkerson was the talk of every police station at that time because street gangs around New York were such a serious problem. Praise the Lord because my Grandfather was a high ranking cop connected with NY and NJ. “FRUIT THAT REMAINS ” SAYS THE BIBLE. LOVE YOU ALL!